
The remaining games are between the current top four players. The results will likely change the ranking order. The top four after round six will likely make the All-Army Chess Team.

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 Essentially, only the last two spots will be fought out in the remaining rounds. Duke, West and King are the heavy favorites for the remaining spots.

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Drake won against Pitts. Drake is now in clear second place. Baniel vs. Macaspac was fairly even but now Macaspac has some serious winning chances. Baniel seemed to have overestimated his chances in a drawn game. Now, he is fighting for a draw. 

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Macaspac won as I predicted. Now, he is 6-0. His path to the crown is now set. He just has to avoid accidents in the remaining five rounds. Drake is now clearly second. Baniel and Pitts follow in third and fourth places, respectively. 

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Round 3 is underway. It took us (mostly Ron Braud) only two rounds to figure out a way to start the round on time. We try to do things on time that being the Army way. You can watch the ongoing action live here in Monroi. Today, we started exactly at 0800 hours.

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Round 2 games are underway. The last two games finished with Pitts and Macaspac turning the tables against their respective lower-rated opponents. This is where experience comes in. Both players know that most lower-rated players will eventually make a blunder or choose an inferior move towards the end as long as counter play is kept alive.

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Twelve players will compete in the annual All-Army Chess Championship at Fort Myer in Arlington, VA starting tomorrow, May 11th. The top six placers will form this year’s Army Chess Team to play in the Inter-Service Chess Championship next month. This year’s batch is somewhat weaker based on ratings compared to the bygone years, but the over the board struggle will not be a cake walk as some of these higher rated players will quickly find out. Many of these players are underrated because of the obvious dearth of over the board tournament opportunities, a peculiarity familiar only to military chess players.

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