Dr. Alexey Root set up the king and two rook checkmate on the demonstration board for the beginners at Greenhill School. She played the White side and called on individual students to tell legal moves for the black king (using algebraic notation). After she checkmated, she played the Black side (the lone king) and called on individual students to state moves for White in notation.

After the students checkmated, they practiced the checkmate with each other and four of the eight students had time to individually test with Dr. Root. For the intermediate students, Dr. Alexey Root set up the king and queen checkmate on the demonstration board and called on individual students to call out moves in notation for the lone king. When there was a mate in one (three different ways), she asked students to try to solve it then called on them for their solutions. Then students practiced the checkmate with each other. For the advanced students, Dr. Alexey Root set up the king and one rook checkmate on the demonstration board. She called on individual students to state moves for both White and Black, offering suggestions occasionally. When mate in two was imminent, she asked students to try to solve it then called on them for their solutions. Then students practiced the checkmate with each other.

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